jeudi 20 mai 2010

La seguridad social y las transformaciones sociales latinoamericanas

Ernesto Aldo Isuani

In recent decades, Latin America has seen three phenomena related to systems of social security: a deterioration of labour market conditions and the resulting impact on poverty and equality levels; reforms –implemented by many countries– and the problem of continuing the expansion experienced in the post-war period, as much in the area of pensions as in that of health care; and the expansion of State social spending, although with a regressive bias. Starting with an analysis of Carmelo Mesa-Lago’s work, the article analyzes these three tendencies and concludes that it is necessary to deeply revise the current focus –which ties social security to the formal labour market– in order to bring in basic protection that reaches the most vulnerable sectors of our societies.
Publicado en Nueva Sociedad, 226

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