El Gobierno venezolano avanzará en medidas populistas de amplia aceptación que renovaron las esperanzas de una nación en busca de su propio paradigma social; sirviéndose Chávez de la teoría del caos, que agota psicológica y físicamente a quienes aspiren a la democracia.
lundi 31 mai 2010
Brazil and Iran: A diplomatic triumph or a missed opportunity?
By Peter Hakim
Source: América Economía
Full text: http://www.thedialogue.org/page.cfm?pageID=32&pubID=2379
A “triumph of diplomacy” was how Brazilian President Lula da Silva portrayed Brazil and Turkey’s recent nuclear accord with Iran. And that’s what it looked like at first. The two countries managed to clinch a deal similar to the agreement that the US and other world powers had unsuccessfully pursued last year. But, shortly thereafter, US Secretary of State Clinton announced that the US, Russia, Britain, France, and China (i.e., the permanent members of the UN Security Council) had agreed to tighten sanctions on Iran—precisely what the Brazil/Turkey initiative was supposed to prevent. Lula’s diplomacy had not prevailed. This confusing sequence of events raises several critical questions about Brazil’s global agenda and influence.
Source: América Economía
Full text: http://www.thedialogue.org/page.cfm?pageID=32&pubID=2379

Manuel Zafra, experto en política local, anima a jóvenes venezolanos de Acción Democrática a reivindicar la mentalidad ampliada, romper la espiral del silencio y combatir el populismo plebiscitario.
Noticia completa en: http://www.fundacionideas.es/sites/default/files/Seminario_Liderazgo_Politico.pdf
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